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It’s a wrap for 2023 – What we have done so far

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It’s a wrap for 2023! Major progress has been made for all work packages. Parking locations for riders in Copenhagen and Amsterdam as well as mini-hub location planning for Shanghai have been discussed. Riders’ surveys for all use cases and display optimization for Beijing and Shanghai are work in progress. Work package 4 about the riders’ real-time routing and matching will start in 2024. And we have welcomed several new members to the group in Europe and in Asia.

New members at TU Delft are Yuchen Qi and Ethan Yang, both master students working on WP1. Yisong Chen and Rongjie Sun are two master students working on WP1 from Tongji. Three new PhD students, Junlin Chen, Yu Zhou, and Leyi Yao from Tsinghua University, work on WP3. And for WP4, Copenhagen Business School has opened a new postdoc position.

SINERGI consortium meeting, december 2023